Edim Servizi Srl
- Via Maremmana III Km 2,100 n.29 - 00030 San Cesareo (RM) - Italy
Eurocomach 45 TR
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Eurocomach 45 TR
Price:Ask for price Request now
Place:Rome - Italy
Type:Mini excavator
Model:45 TR
Weight:4.5 t
Ad code:PL290
Description:Used equipment ready for use.
Dealer: Edim Servizi Srl
- Edim Servizi Srl is a trading company located in San Cesareo (Rome - Italy), and it is mainly focused on the business of new and used earth moving machines, mini excavators, construction equipment, power generators
Address:Via Maremmana III Km 2,100 n.29 - 00030 San Cesareo (RM) - Italy
Vat Number:04797911007
Languages spoken:Italian, English
Web Site:
- Dealer:
Edim Servizi Srl - Place:
Rome - Italy - Telephone:
(+39) 06.95599442 - Languages spoken:
Italian, English
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